Friday, October 24, 2008

Moto Mania

In Cambodia, the majority of people use motorbikes as the main mode of transportation. Going to the market, picking someone from school, that sort of thing. Helmets are optional, of course. My eyes have been opened to the amount of uses for this motorbike. People here haul around more cargo on their motorbikes than most people do in their pick-up trucks in North America! What can you hall with a moto? More like what can’t you.

Different uses we’ve seen of the motorbike:

Hauling produce... and your wife

Transporting 4 queen size mattresses

Delivering 3 good size pigs

Moving scaffolding

Loads of bananas

3 monks and a driver

Here we have a guy carrying three helmets but not wearing one of them!!

We’ve also seen 3 propane bottles on the back of a motorbike but it’s on a video instead.

Here we’ve got the bicycle used to transport a large plank

I don’t actually know what these are called. They are like a two wheeled tractor that is hooked onto a trailer. They seem to be like an oversized rotor-tiller, where you have to hold the handles down to use it. Plenty of uses with that one! Whenever we are out and about in Cambodia, we just sit back and enjoy the show. There doesn’t really seem to be much for rules. It’s recommended you drive on the right side but not required. Uncontrolled intersections are maybe the most entertaining with all directions going at once, basically the person with the most guts gets to go. There are surprising few accidents, and everyone seems quite calm and relaxed. We’ll continue to update this as we get more on camera. So now you've had a taste the mighty Moto!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, good thing we didn't meet yous in Cam. I can just see us all on a moto when we needed a taxi! Take care, Mom

Andrea {kerubo mama} said...

hahahaha!!! I loved these pictures!!! good job's great to hear how you guys are doing!!

Anonymous said...

crazy how there are "rules" but "no rules" !!??? I felt like it was like that when i visited Amy in Ukraine too!!! But I felt surprisingly safe...glad they know what they are doing!!!! I just pulled out my camera and took pictures and enjoyed this chaotic & erratic driving method :) m&m